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Museum Studies Research Guide: Finding


Some of OUr Books

Browsing for Books

Conveniently, we arrange our books by subject according to the Library of Congress call number system. To find books relating to Museum Studies, you can browse the following call number ranges. Also remember that within these ranges are specific artists, regions, movements, etc.

AM 1-501 Museums (General)
E 159-172 Historical Museums (United States)
F 1-975 State Historical Museums
(shelved by state with other state material)
N 400-4042 Art Museums, Galleries, etc.
(arranged by country, subdivided by city)
Q 105 Science Museums
(shelved with other science books)


You may also want to try searching our online catalog by specific artist, movement, region, or medium.


“I think museums are in a marvelously interesting place in American society now. The largest issues that are in life center around values that have to do with things like tolerance, diversity, and freedom of expression which museums can translate against our own history.”

Edmund B. Gaither,
Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists