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Oglethorpe University Faculty Publications: Faculty Publications
Alphabetical by Author

A guide to publications by Oglethorpe University's faculty members.

Baube, Charles L. -- Biology

  • Baube, Charles L. "Body Size and the Maintenance of Reproductive Isolation in Stickleback, Genus Gasterosteus." Ethology 114.11 (2008): 1122-1134.  (Abstract)
  • Rowe, Mickey P., Charles L. Baube, and John B. Phillips. "Trying to See Red through Stickleback Photoreceptors: Functional Substitution of Receptor Sensitivities." Ethology 112.3 (2006): 218-229.  (Abstract)
  • Rowe, Mickey P., Charles L. Baube, Ellis R. Loew, and John B. Phillips. "Optimal Mechanisms for Finding and Selecting Mates: How Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Should Encode Male Throat Colors." Journal of Comparative Physiology 190.3 (2004): 241-56. (Full-Text Access)
  • Baube, Charles L. "Manipulations of Signalling Environment Affect Male Competitive Success in Three-Spined Sticklebacks." Animal Behaviour 53.4 (1997): 819-833.  (Full-Text Access)
  • Baube, Charles L., W. J. Rowland, and J. B. Fowler. "The Mechanisms of Colour-Based Mate Choice in Female Threespine Sticklebacks: Hue, Contrast, and Configurational Cues." Behaviour 132.13-14 (1995): 13-14.  (Full-Text Access)
  • King, Richard B., John K. Douglass, John B. Phillips, and Charles L. Baube. "Scotopic Spectral Sensitivity of the Optomotor Response in the Green Treefrog Hyla Cinerea." The Journal of Experimental Zoology 267.1 (1993): 40-46. (Abstract)

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Belcher, Devon -- Philosophy

  • Belcher, Devon. Mental Content and Logical Structure: An Examination of Robert Stalnaker's Theory of Propositions. Dissertation, University of Colorado, 1999.

  • Belcher, Devon. On Words. Dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2005.

Bobroff, Ronald -- History

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Carter, Mary Jo -- English

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Carton, John S. -- Psychology

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Copeland, Cassandra C. -- Economics

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Cramer, John A. -- Physics

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Dewberry, Eric Jay -- History

Donnelly, Roarke -- Biology

  • Mendelson, J. R., III, and R. Donnelly. "The Crisis of Global Amphibian Declines: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions." Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners, 2011.

  • Donnelly, Roarke. "An Assessment of Assemblage Nestedness in Habitat Fragments." Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology 6 (2009): 1-26.

  • Fleishman, Erica, Roarke Donnelly, Rick Reeves, and John P. Fay. "Applications of Nestedness Analysis to Biodiversity Conservation in Developing Landscapes." Landscape and Urban Planning 81.4 (2007): 271-281.

  • Donnelly, Roarke and John M. Marzluff. "Relative Importance of Habitat Quantity, Structure, and Spatial Pattern to Birds in Urbanizing Environments." Urban Ecosystems 9.2 (2006): 99-117.

  • Donnelly, Roarke and John M. Marzluff. "Importance of Reserve Size and Landscape Context to Urban Bird Conservation." Conservation Biology 18.3 (2004): 733-745.

  • Donnelly, Roarke (2002). "Habitat Reserve Design for Bird Conservation in Urbanizing Areas" (2 page factsheet). Design of Habitat Reserves and Settlements for Bird Conservation in the Seattle Metropolitan Area, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle.

  • Donnelly, Roarke (2002). "Residential Development Design for Bird Conservation in Urbanizing Areas" (2 page factsheet). In Design of Habitat Reserves and Settlements for Bird Conservation in the Seattle Metropolitan Area, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle.

  • Marzluff, John M., Reed Bowman, and Roarke Donnelly (2001). "A Historical Perspective on Urban Bird Research: Trends, Topics, and Definitions." Avian Ecology and Conservation in an Urbanizing World, John M. Marzluff, Reed Bowman, and Roarke Donnelly (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Press, Norwell.

  • Marzluff, John M., Kevin J. McGowan, Roarke Donnelly, and Richard L. Knight (2001). "Causes and Consequences of Expanding American Crow Populations." Avian Ecology and Conservation in an Urbanizing World, John M. Marzluff, Reed Bowman, and Roarke Donnelly (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Press, Norwell.

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Gieger, J. Lynn -- Mathematics

  • Gieger, J. Lynn, John Nardo, Karen L. Schmeichel, and Leah R. Zinner (2015). "A Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Homework Structures in a Multivariable Calculus Class." In J. Dewar & C. Bennett (Eds.), Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics. Washington, DC: The Mathematical Association of America.

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Grissom, Harriette -- Art

  • Grissom, Harriette D. "Feeling as Form in Indian Aesthetics." In David Edward Jones and Michele Marion (Eds.), The Dynamics of Cultural Counterpoint in Asian Studies. New York: SUNY, 2014. 27-34.

  • Grissom, Harriette D. "Art: Nama-Rupa: The Paradox of Embodiment in Indian Art." In David Edward Jones and Ellen R. Klein (Eds.), Asian Texts, Asian Contexts: Encounters with Asian Philosophies and Religions. New York: SUNY, 2009.

  • Grissom, Harriette D. "Animal Forms and Formlessness: The Protean Quality of Buddha Nature in Chinese Martial Arts." In David Jones (Ed.), Buddha Nature and Animality. Fremont: Jain Publishing, 2007. 59-82.

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Handler, Jessica -- English

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Hayes, Lisa Slominski -- Psychology

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Hebbar, Reshmi J. -- English

Herschler, Stephen -- Politics

  • Herschler, Stephen B. "The 1994 Tax Reforms: The Center Strikes Back." China Economic Review 6.2 (1995): 239-245.

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Hetherington, Bruce W. -- Economics

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Heyliger, Wilton -- Economics

Hornback, Robert B. -- English

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Hudson, Paul Stephen -- History

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen and Melora P. Mirza. Atlanta's Stone Mountain: A Multicultural History. Charleston: History Press, 2011.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. "The End of the World—and After: The Cosmic History Millenarianism of Thornwell Jacobs." The Georgia Historical Quarterly 82 (1998): 594-607.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. "The 'Vexed Question' on the Birthday of James Edward Oglethorpe: A Tricentennial Review." The Georgia Historical Quarterly 80.2 (1996): 342-357.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. "Campus and Commercial Development in Suburban Atlanta: The Symbiotic Relationship Between Oglethorpe University and Silver Lake." Atlanta History: A Journal of Georgia and the South 39 (1995): 48-62.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. "A Call for 'Bold Persistent Experimentation': FDR's Oglethorpe University Commencement Address, 1932." The Georgia Historical Quarterly 78.2 (1994): 361-375.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. "Thornwell Jacobs's Acquisition of the Oval Oglethorpe Portrait, 1932." The Georgia Historical Quarterly 78.3 (1994): 579-588.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. "The 'Archaeological Duty' of Thornwell Jacobs: The Oglethorpe Atlanta Crypt of Civilization Time Capsule." The Georgia Historical Quarterly 75.1 (1991): 121-138.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. "Awake From 'Visioned Sleep'!: Dr. Thornwell Jacobs's Discovery of the Tomb of James Oglethorpe." Atlanta History 37.2 (1993): 5-17.

  • Hudson, Paul Stephen. From Old South to New South: The Public Career of Thornwell Jacobs, His Life and Times. Thesis (Ph.D.), Georgia State University, 2000.

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King Momon, Kendra A. -- Politics

Professor Momon's website

  • King, Kendra A. African American Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2010.

  • King, Kendra A. "Let's Get It Started." In Service-Learning With Government Partners (Jossey-Bass Publishing Company, 2009). 

  • King, Kendra A. and Renee S. King. "For Us, by Us: Marginalized Groups Need to Take Back Hip Hop." Justice in America. Atlanta: Kendall-Hunt Publishing, 2009.

  • King, Kendra A. African-American Community Development: Corporation-Led Redevelopment in Boston. Dissertation. Ohio State University, 1999.

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Knippenburg, Joseph M. -- Politics

Professor Knippenburg's website

  • Knippenburg, Joseph M. "Faith in the Age of Obama." The City 3 (Fall 2010), 60–67.

  • Knippenburg, Joseph M. "Kant and Federalism." In Lee Ward and Ann Ward (Eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Federalism. (London: Ashgate, 2009), pp. 151–165.

  • Knippenburg, Joseph M. "Deneen on Faith, Reason, and Humility." Perpectives on Political Science 36.4 (Fall 2007), 204–206. (GALILEO Full-Text Access)

  • Knippenburg, Joseph M. "The Personal Is (Not?) the Political: The Role of Religion in the Presidency of George W. Bush." In John von Heyking and Ron Weed (Eds.), Civil Religion in Political Thought: Its Perennial Questions and Enduring Relevance in North America. (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2010), pp. 262-279.

  • Knippenburg, Joseph M. "Ancient Historians and Modern History: Herodotus and Thucydides on Patriotism." In J. Scott Lee, Patrick Malcolmson, and Darcy Wudel (Eds.), The Place of Core Texts: Selected Papers from the Ninth Annual Conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses: Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-6, 2003. (Landham, MD: University Press of America, 2008).

  • Knippenberg, Joseph M. and Peter Augustine Lawler (Eds.). Poets, Princes, and Private Citizens: Literary Alternatives to Postmodern Politics. (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996).

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Kower, Peter J. -- Economics

  • Hetherington, Bruce W. and Peter J. Kower. "Technological Diffusion and the Union Blockade." Explorations in Economic History 48.2 (2011): 310-324.

  • Hetherington, Bruce W. and Peter J. Kower. "A Re-Examination of Lebergott's Paradox about Blockade Running during the American Civil War." The Journal of Economic History 69.2 (2009): 528-532.  (GALILEO Full-Text Access)

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Lutz, Jay - French Language

  • Lutz, Jay. "The Virtual Cities of Christine de Pizan and Plato." In Contemplation, Crisis, Construct: Approaching Core Texts in the Curriculum: Selected Papers from the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses, Vancouver, British Columbia, April 8-11, 2005, edited by J. Scott Lee, Cynthia Rutz, and Jane Kelley Rodeheffer, pp. 39-44.  Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2014.

  • Lutz, Jay. "The Satarical Song Collections of Anti-Boulangist Verse: Jules Jouy, Maurice Millot, and Louis Marsolleau." In Culture Wars and Literature in the French Third Republic, edited by Gilbert D. Chaitin, pp. 147-148. New Castel Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2008.  

  • Lutz, Jay. "Considering Kokoro." In Reforming Liberal Education and the Core after the Twentieth Century: Selected Papers from the Eighth Annual Conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses, Montreal, Canada, April 4-7, 2002, edited by Darcy Wudel, Ronald J. Weber, and J. Scott Lee, pp. 111-115. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2008.

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O'Connor, Michael -- CORE

  • O'Connor, Michael. A Commercial Republic: America’s Enduring Debate Over Democratic Capitalism. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2014.

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Orme, John D. -- Politics

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Palmer, Richard Barton -- English

(This list only includes publications from 2001-2014. Dr. Palmer is author, editor, or general editor of more than fifty books and more than 100 articles and book chapters.)

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Perret-Gentil, Sigrira -- Art

  • Perret-Gentil, Sigrira. 18 Lives. Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2003.

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Plotnik, Viviana Paula -- Spanish Language

Printz, Amanda -- Philosophy

  • Printz, Amanda Lewis. The Scope and Significance of George Berkeley's Language Model. Dissertation, University of Southern California, 2007.

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Schadler, Daniel L. -- Biology

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Schmeichel, Karen L. -- Biology

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Shrikhande, Seema -- Communications

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Smith, W. Bradford -- History

Professor Smith's website

  • Smith, William Bradford (Editor). The Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection: An Annotated Bibliography. Emory Texts and Studies in Ecclesial Life, Volumes 3-6. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1999.

  • Smith, William Bradford. Reformation and the German Territorial State: Upper Franconia, 1300-1630. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2008. (OU Library Copy)

  • Smith, William Bradford. “Crossing the Boundaries of the Civic, the Natural, and the Supernatural in Medieval and Renaissance Europe.” In The Book of Nature and Humanity in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, edited by David Hawkes and Richard G. Neuhauser. ASMAR vol. 29 (Turnout: Brepols, 2013), pp. 133-156.

  • Smith, William Bradford. “Food and Deception in the Discourse on Heresy and Witchcraft in Bamberg.” In At the Table: Metaphorical and Material Cultures of Food in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, edited by Juliann Vitullo and Timothy J. Tomasik. ASMAR vol. 18. Brugge: Brepols, 2007, pp. 107-122.

  • Smith, William Bradford. “Lutheran Resistance to the Imperial Interim in Hesse and Kulmbach.” Lutheran Quarterly 19 (2005): 249-273.

  • Smith, William Bradford. “Friedrich Förner, the Catholic Reformation, and Witch Hunting in Bamberg.” Sixteenth Century Journal 36:1 (2005): 115-128.
  • Smith, William Bradford. “Germanic Pagan Antiquity in Lutheran Historical Thought.” The Journal of the Historical Society 4:3 (2004): 351-374.  (GALILEO Full-Text access)

  • Smith, William Bradford. “Anticlericalism in Bamberg on the Eve of the Peasants’ War.” In James Van Horn Melton (Ed.), Constructing Publics: Cultures of Communication in the Early Modern German Lands. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002, pp. 48-65.

  • Smith, William Bradford. “Staging the Thirty Years War: Jesuit Drama and the Politics of the Catholic League in Germany, 1600-1625.” In Performance and Theatricality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, edited by Markus Cruse. ASMAR vol. 30 (Turnout: Brepols, 2014).

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Stone, Brad L. -- Sociology

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Wise, Justin C. -- Psychology


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Wooll, John O. -- Science

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Zinner, Leah R. -- Psychology

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