From their website, their mission statements.
The New York Times is dedicated to helping people understand the world through on-the-ground, expert and deeply reported independent journalism.
Our mission is simple: We seek the truth and help people understand the world. This mission is rooted in our belief that great journalism has the power to make each reader’s life richer and more fulfilling, and all of society stronger and more just.
At The Times, our mission and values guide the work we do every day. By acting in their spirit, we serve readers and society, ensure the continued strength of our journalism and business, and foster a healthy and vibrant Times culture.
From their News Mission Statement
We are the definitive source of news and information through the lens of business, finance, economics and money, global forces that shape the world and are key to understanding it. Our audience is anyone who wants or has a job, a career or an ambition; who seeks money, makes money, spends money and saves money; who desires an edge as an investor, an employee, a manager or an entrepreneur; or who simply wants to better understand how the world works.
We provide facts, data and information, not assertions or opinions. We believe in full separation between News and Opinion. We pursue exclusive stories, with the goal of breaking all important scoops in our core areas; deep insight and analysis; and actionable intelligence—being the first read and the last word. We have a unique, trusted responsibility as a watchdog and custodian. Across coverage, we seek a genuinely diverse set of voices and experiences with every story striving to speak to as wide an audience as possible.
As journalists, we are humble, curious, empathetic, informed and open-minded. Our work is plain, direct, concise and accessible, but not simplistic. Trust in our news, information and authority is the currency we seek to earn with all we produce.
We have an important social purpose. Society benefits from a common set of verifiable facts and a broad set of voices that reflect our world, even in times of stress and division—indeed, especially in such times. Providing those facts informs debate and contributes to the greater good.
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