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EndNote Online/Basic: Bibliographies

Bibliographies in EndNote

EndNote provides a feature that makes creating bibliographies fast and easy.

You should ALWAYS review your bibliography for accuracy. 

How to Make a Bibliography

​1. In the top bar of EndNote, hover of "Format" and a list of options should appear below

2. Select "Bibliography"

3. When creating a bibliography for the first time it it helpful to create a short list of citation style options

  • To do this click on "Select Favorites"
  • Choose the citation styles you think you will use to your list of favorites

4. Next, select the sources, bibliographic style, and file type you want:

  • "References" is the folder you are citing
  • "Bibliographic Style" is the citation style you are using
  • "File format" is how you want it saved, we HIGHLY recommend using a Rich Text File

5. Click "Save" to download an editable Microsoft Word document

6. Double check the bibliography made by EndNote with our citation guide

Creating Bibliographies