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EndNote Online/Basic: More Help

Library Information



Quick Links


Email your question to Ask A Librarian. We are happy to assist you. You can also request a research consultation for one-on-one help.


For telephone reference assistance call 404-364-8511.
More library phone numbers.


Walk-in reference: Reference assistance is available during regular library hours at the Reference Librarian offices located on the first floor of the library in the Reference Commons. Regular hours are also kept at the Reference Desk Monday through Friday from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.

In-depth consultation: Appointments can be made to speak with a Reference Librarian by requesting a Research Consultation. Please include when you would like to meet as well as what you would like to discuss.

Asking For Help

Here at Philip Weltner Library we are more than happy to assist you with all of your research needs. We can show you how to navigate our resources, provide tips for doing research, and help you with citations. 

You can use any of the links on the left or come and visit us at Lowry Hall!

For in-depth research questions the best way to reach us is by setting up an appointment.